Our Services
Global Health Uganda (GHU) is a collaborative research limited liability company that does research in child global health
Grants Management

Global Health Uganda has grants management office staffed with an Administration and Accounts department, Operations department, IT department and Human Resources department. It handles a number of grants funded by local and international bodies. This grants management office does staff recruitment and training, purchasing of project supplies and salary payment and other funds disbursement.
GHU Data Management Centre

The GHU Data Centre was established in 2010. It handles all data needs of the all research projects. The department has different platforms on which the data is managed depending on the projects budget. The Data Centre staff is experienced in handling data from both clinical trials and observational studies. The DC has a good reputation and is known for its ability to manage data from cross sectional and cohort studies.
The data centre offers a variety of solutions ranging from paper to paperless and remote application access and administration. The Data Centre utilizes the most recent operating systems and provides extended support of all systems we build. The Data Centre works towards ensuring that the technology being employed are tested and is one of the best solution for the project in which it is being used.
The data management systems we use include: MS ACCESS, File Maker Pro, RedCap ,Open Clinica ,On Core among other. We have also offer field data collection using Mobile Apps, ODK, Open Data Kit and KoboCollect among others. We also offer data storage solutions for research data in digitized formats. The data is stored on safely secure Windows server where it is backup daily.
- Data Collection
- Database Management
- Data Entry & Cleaning
- Data Analysis
- Archiving & Data Storage
- IT Infrastructure Management
Neuropsychological Assessment

We do neuropsychological testing in children covering a range of abilities including overall cognitive functioning, attention, working memory, visual spatial processing, learning, reasoning, language, executive functioning, behaviour and academic achievement. Some of the tests we use include; the Test of Variables of Attention, the Mullen Scales of Early Learning, the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, and the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Functions.
What is Neuropsychology?
Neuropsychology studies the structure and function of the brain as they relate to specific psychological processes and behaviors.. It is concerned with the relationships between the brain and behavior.
Purpose of Neuropsychology testing.
The goal of assessment is to identify a patient’s cognitive and behavioral strengths and weakness, to assist in differential diagnosis of mental disorder, and to aid in treatment and discharge planning. In GHU, it is used to study the effect of CNS infections like malaria and HIV on brain function and to evaluate the neuropsychological benefits of different interventions.
Laboratory Testing
The GHU-IU CHILD Lab is an extension of the partnership between GHU and IU, recognizing the need for a dedicated immunology research laboratory to support the growth of GHU studies and to facilitate the development of laboratory research capacity in Uganda by providing training opportunities to Ugandan students/trainees/fellows.