A Multi-Disciplinary Research Collaboration

COVID-19 Response


Risk reduction and infection prevention for COVID 19- Global Health Uganda offices and study facilities

A number of clinical and research activities take place at GHU including participant recruitment, follow up, checkups etc. Since our staff members, participants, visitors to GHU come from different geographical locations of the country, it poses a risk of contracting COVID 19 while on the premises. Limiting access to the GHU premises would pose a number of challenges or setbacks on the studies and other administrative activities. It is against this background that GHU has developed standard operating procedures for preventing the transmission of corona virus at GHU amidst continuation of service delivery and research conduct. The key issues are early recognition of individuals with signs and symptoms by observing the stipulated preventative measures by both staff and clients. To limit the spread of COVID 19, it is important to promptly identify, isolate and refer patients with symptoms and history suggestive of the disease.



These standard operating procedures (SOPs) apply to all institutional community involved in care of study participants and in documentation of these incidents: Clinicians, Nurses, Laboratory Personnel, Security Team, Administration & the Cleaning Team.

Supplies & Materials

Mitigation Measures

Administrative Measures

Staff members

Research Participants/ General Clients