A Multi-Disciplinary Research Collaboration
Optimizing Benefits While Reducing Risks of Iron in Malaria Endemic Areas. Randomized, placebo controlled trial of daily oral therapy started concurrently (immediate iron ) or 28 days after (delayed iron) with antimalarial treatment in Ugandan children with uncomplicated malaria and iron deficiency.
This will be a longitudinal cohort study with a 5 year follow up where caregivers and children with the five most common forms of severe malaria that is cerebral malaria(CM), severe malarial anemia(SMA), malaria with repeated seizures(M/S), respiratory distress(RD), prostration(PR) and healthy community children(CC)from the same neighborhood or household.
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COVID-19 Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus.
GHU data center was established in 2010. It handles all data needs of the all research projects. he department has different platforms..
We had the desire to offer professional and quality service to our collaborators, especially those whose host institutions did not have partner.
If you remember, about this time last year we organized a series of activities to mark 5 years of the existence of GHU.
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